Inspired Girl Blog
My Journal
I have been writing since I could hold a pen, so being a journal keeper comes naturally to me! In my Inspired Girl blog, I share bits of my heart with random thoughts on loving life, learning from lemons, and being saved by grace.
My Pink Sweatsuit, Coffee, and the “S” Word
Last week I wrote a post about handling stress, and retraining your triggers (in other words, choosing a healthy way to respond to stress). But, as I mentioned at the end of my post, responding to stress is really only part of the equation. I distinctly remember one...
Accidental Ice Cream
I accidentally created this simple, healthy, delicious "ice cream", and just had to share my creation with you to try! It's naturally dairy-free but the creamy texture was amazing! I was in the mood for something almond-coconut-chocolatey, so I took a 1/4 cup of raw...
How Do You Respond to S-T-R-E-S-S?
Yesterday my Little Man dropped our laptop. He tripped over Lulu's flip flop, and was totally fine, but unfortunately the laptop didn't fair so well. As you can imagine, there's a lot of important stuff on the laptop - all of our family photos, all of my work, and...
The Balance of Being vs. Doing
Here's a little "balance" tip: put a pebble in your own "balance scale"! Our life is made up of moments when we are either "being" or "doing". As human beings, we are called to balance both - both contribute to the world and "be still" to listen to our hearts. In a...
How to Reach a Goal
So my last post was all about re-calibrating our "Food-Life" connection. Somebody wrote to me yesterday and said the 3 Lightbulbs technique not only helped her "plug in" to moments, but she began to notice how many lightbulbs were actually burnt out in her home!! She...
Simple Pleasures to Satisfy the Soul and Spirit…
A few months back, I was speaking with a dear friend of mine, Jess. She is a fabulous photographer, a hopeless romantic, and a lover of all things food and wine. She was shocked to hear that I hadn’t had a glass of wine myself in ages.
3 Critical Fuel Sources and Strengthening Sets
We can want to make a change, but if we don't receive energy or strength from a source that is in alignment with the change we want to make, it is like moving against the wind...for example, if you want to begin saving money and be more conscious of your spending, but...
What to Eat?
So, the other day I was teaching a class, and one woman walked into the room and said, "All I need to know is what to eat. I know I should be healthy. I know I want to be healthy. But I hate healthy food." Hmmm.... This was not an unusual statement. As a matter of...
All in One Website ~ A New Look
“Simplicity is the glory of expression.” ~ Walt Whitman I know my website may look a little different...just wanted to let you know I combined all of my content on this ONE website!! All of the categories are still in tact {and listed in the footer of the website for...
It All Depends on Your Safety Gear…
Jumping off anything is scary for most people. Can you imagine going to the edge of a cliff, with no safety gear at all, and just jumping off of it?! Of course not, or at least, I hope not!! Walking down the street is not nearly as frightening. I've spoken to so many...
Release the Labels
Most labels we place on ourselves {and others} come with baggage. It doesn't matter if they are "positive" or "negative" - the stress of always trying to live up to a positive label is exhausting, and the weight of a negative label can hold us back from living to our...
When “Numbers” Goals Aren’t Working…
I am not a numbers person. I say, in order for us to continue to fully serve our mission and purpose in life, we have to be energized, vibrant, and healthy. But, of course, I realize that most goals almost require us to "focus" on the number - releasing weight...
The Chains that Bind Us
Unwrap the “limitation” chains that are around you, and break free from the self-limiting beliefs. Now use those chains to help you climb the mountain are magnificently made!!
How to Set a Sunshine Goal
When setting goals, it’s important to look within so the goal creates a fire inside of you, it’s burning bright, and makes your soul stir and spirit soar just thinking about it!! Like the sun, its’ rays are very powerful! Our "sunshine goals" should allow our lives to...
Super Simple Citrus Sugar Scrub
I am on a body scrub making kick!! My latest love is a citrus sugar body scrub - super simple and smells delicious!!! What You'll Need: Sugar Oil {your choice} 1/4 orange Zest of any citrus fruits you love Let's Do This: In a mixing bowl, add in 2:1 sugar to oil {I...
Today I am Grateful For…
Our beautiful children - the absolute essence of God. Our family. Stillness. Presence. Unconditional love. Sunrise. Smiles. New beginnings. Friendship. Rain watering our gardens. Pen, paper, words. Fresh coffee. Conversation. Life's messes. Community. Lessons. All...
New Book Holds the Key to True Lifestyle Change…
For Immediate Release: New Book Holds the Key to True Lifestyle Change and Offers Tools to Assist Dieters as Well as Those Sick of Dieting The numbers are bleak. 90% of dieters gain at least 1/2 the weight they lose back within one year. 22 million women in the US...
Fast Cars and a Yoga Teacher
On Thursday my Little Man and I dropped the hubby off at work, and then decided to relish the beautiful weather by driving with the windows down, sunroof open, and music loud {yes, we both love listening to Star 99.1}. We didn't exactly have a "plan" of where we were...
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