949-372-2135 inspirista@me.com

So my last post was all about re-calibrating our “Food-Life” connection. Somebody wrote to me yesterday and said the 3 Lightbulbs technique not only helped her “plug in” to moments, but she began to notice how many lightbulbs were actually burnt out in her home!! She wasn’t even aware, but when she replaced the burnt out bulbs, the room not only looked different, she felt more uplifted, too. Funny, it’s kind of an analogy I never thought about before – we can function without power, but how much brighter life is when we’re fully plugged into it ~ and no, I’m not talking about electricity 😉

The rest of my book is the 7 step BALANCE method – the word “balance” being an acronym outlining the main components, beginning with “B is for Brain Dump and Breathe”. Brain dumping basically serves two purposes – to release what’s in our mind so we can better listen to our hearts, and to believe in ourselves and our innate power as human beings. While the book delves into this all in great detail, and you are already beginning to clear your mind, I want to share my “4 R’s Technique” to assist you to reach your goals in a positive, healthy way:

1. Release It: Grab your journal, and release whatever goals are in your mind. Don’t edit them, write them exactly as your mind is thinking them.

2. Reflect on It: Take a short break – go for a walk, make dinner, just take some time away from what you wrote. After a short break, read it back, and reflect on it. Is there anything you wrote that makes you feel “bad” or “heavy”? Are any of your goals actually “insulting” your current state of life or “putting you down”? For example, once a client released that she wanted to “get rid of the Pillsbury Dough Boy rolls on her back.” Another client said, “I hate my job. But I’m stuck. I’m old and what do I really know how to do? Maybe I need to go back to school, but I don’t have the time or money.”

I get it, we all have done this – we beat ourselves up, we talk ourselves down, we dim our lights. Here’s the thing – you are amazing! You do incredible things all of the time! And, it’s wonderful to have goals, dreams, visions, hopes, so let’s set the lens on what we really want, deep within our core. I assure you, your heart would never compare you to a dough boy or old or limit you to a place of discontent. You are magnificently made.

3. Refocus Your Lens: The lens in which we view the world changes our entire experience of it. Remember my newsletter where I shared about miracles? A shift in thinking creates the miracles, and opens up the space for the miracle to occur! Powerful. Refocus your lens on what you want, what your heart wants to see. In every moment, there is wonder because all of life is a lesson. For example, if we focus on the one time the bird pooped on our head, we’ll feel ‘ugh’, but if we focus on the beautiful birds flying above us all the time, the ugh diminishes and grace emerges – it’s all we can see. Refocus your lens of life and your goals on what you want, what gives you strength, what illuminates your power.

4. Reframe the Goal: With a new lens and a deep understanding of what you actually want, reframing is natural and easy. In the example of the “doughboy back”, my client admitted that seeing those words made her feel awful, and it had been a goal of hers for so long, she realized the awful feeling about herself must have been within her for years. What she really wanted, she said, was a strong, healthy back. Reframing the goal in this way, she immediately sat up straighter, taller, a light came to her eyes, and she had something solid to work towards. Her confidence came from within. I also experienced this shift myself on several occasions, with all types of goals, and the physical, visible changes from the internal shift in thinking, are not only noticeable but transformative.

How can you reframe your goal to give you something to work towards that allows you to show up and light up in this moment?

In case you missed it, I will be giving a free 60-minute live webinar next Monday, July 1st at 8pm ET. You can dial in with a phone line or log in via the computer. Sign up for the webinar, and even if you can’t be on the webinar, you will receive access to the recording!! Here’s the link to sign up: http://www.jennifertumayoung.net/webinar-sign-up/

Enjoy this beautiful day!

{or as my family calls me Jennie, or if you like to be formal Jennifer, I answer to just about anything…}