949-372-2135 inspirista@me.com

Jumping off anything is scary for most people. Can you imagine going to the edge of a cliff, with no safety gear at all, and just jumping off of it?! Of course not, or at least, I hope not!! Walking down the street is not nearly as frightening.

I’ve spoken to so many people about their hopes and dreams, but fear keeps them at status quo. I get it – they consider their dream similar to being at the edge of cliff and taking a “leap” off can be daunting.

Once I heard Pastor Joe Gratzel talking about this, and his words went straight to my heart and stayed there for whenever I feel my own fears. He said, “It’s not really a “leap of faith” if you have faith. It’s actually just a walk in faith.”

So, today, when fear begins to hold you back from your pure potential {in any aspect of your being}, just visualize yourself walking down the street in faith. And, if your heart feels like leaping, just because leaping can be exhilarating, remember your faith is the safety gear and you are not alone 😉