949-372-2135 inspirista@me.com

Here’s a little “balance” tip: put a pebble in your own “balance scale”! Our life is made up of moments when we are either “being” or “doing”. As human beings, we are called to balance both – both contribute to the world and “be still” to listen to our hearts.

In a nutshell, the “doing” side of us is the force that sets alarms, takes action, writes lists, and so on, while the “being” side is the philosopher, the wonderer, and the romantic who likes to gaze at the moon, walk barefoot in the sand, cuddle on the couch…you get my drift. Tilting too far to one side creates an internal imbalance, so if you’re smelling the roses too much, take one action today, and if you are running like a hamster on a wheel “go go going”, perhaps take a moment to breathe deep, lay in the grass, and just “be”…

Below is a graphic from my book Balance Your Life, Balance the Scale that illustrates how we can be centered even when we have a lot going on around us…
