949-372-2135 inspirista@me.com

I often hear from women who have lost the “spark” for their lives. Running from place to place,  but feeling like nothing is getting accomplished, and everything is being neglected. I can relate- I have felt like that before.

I remember years ago it hit me like a ton of bricks. After being in a funk one too many times over something I can’t even recall (obviously not “funk-worthy” stuff) I realized, the “spark” for life doesn’t just happen. It’s actually like brushing our teeth- we have to regularly nurture our lives ; the “spark” needs to be tended to. We all have the “spark” within us, we are born with it- we just need to rediscover it, and then keep the spark alive by taking care of it.

What’s more is, we nurture what we love. When you think about, it’s pretty simple. If we love plants, we water them, tend to them, take care of them. If we don’t, well, they don’t last, they don’t fulfill their purpose of purifying the air and beautifying the environment.

This is true in all aspects of our lives. For example…

Our Bodies: When we love our bodies, we nurture them. We feed them well. We move them. This does not mean extreme dieting or working out for hours a day. It means eating real, whole, natural foods (most of the time!), and exercising our hearts and muscles for at least 30 minutes 4-5 days a week. If we feel badly about our bodies, always feeling less than perfect, we may try diets but we all know diets don’t work. Today, instead of “starting” the umpteenth diet, begin adding in loving, nurturing behaviors.

Our Spirits: When we love our spirit, we nurture it. We surround ourselves with positive, like-minded individuals. It means choosing things that “fill us up” vs. bring us down. We don’t let others negativity influence us. This does not mean secluding ourselves in a bubble away from the rest of the world and moving to Happy Town. It means loving and accepting people, all people, even when they are nasty or negative. And, instead of taking their energy in, letting it ‘bounce’ off of us. Let others get lifted by your energy. If you feel sucked into negativity or can’t stand to be around it, try silently sending negative individuals positive vibes so that their spirit can heal.

Our Relationships: When we love our relationships, we nurture them. We take time for eye contact and a good morning hello to our co-workers, our neighbors, our loved ones. We listen wholeheartedly without judgment.  This does not mean setting low standards for behaviors we tolerate. On the contrary, it means being comfortable enough to share our feelings, speak our minds, communicate so that issues do not fester below the surface. If you feel the relationships in your life are less than desirable, try focusing on being present. Be in the moment with your friends, your co-worker, your spouse, your children. Connect, experience, laugh out loud.

What does “nurturing” mean to you? How have you nurtured yourself, your body, your spirit, or your relationships today?