949-372-2135 inspirista@me.com
Unworthy to Healed

Unworthy to Healed

I was speaking with a friend the other day and she told me about a promotion that came with a hefty raise she got at her job. Another $30,000 a year in her paycheck sounded really good at the time she accepted the offer. But the workload sucked and the time away from...
Turns and Timing

Turns and Timing

A dear friend reached out to me yesterday. When I checked in about a project she was working on, she brushed it off casually saying something to the effect that it just wasn’t ‘her turn’ yet and divine timing is everything. Poetic as that may have sounded, my heart...
Turning Inward

Turning Inward

I write to process, and thought the words may resonate for someone else, even just one person… I woke up out of a deep sleep by thoughts and unrest, my heart aching for reasons too many to number. The image of my two most precious gifts upset at all that...
Lessons from My Little Man and COVID-19

Lessons from My Little Man and COVID-19

Last night after a game of Monopoly with the kiddos, my little man and I were hanging on the couch. He turned to me, with wide eyes starting to well with tears. “Mommy, why are they letting people die?” My heart cracked. We have been talking openly with both of them,...
Thoughts on Ripples, Fear, and Love

Thoughts on Ripples, Fear, and Love

Last night I took our kiddos and their friends on a trip to NYC to see Be More Chill. It was so awesome. What I want to share (because I was / am still processing it all) was what happened immediately following the show. The kids wanted to meet the stars of the show,...