949-372-2135 inspirista@me.com

I Heart Gifts from the Heart

I love love love making custom gift baskets for our family business, The Domesticated Dad! If the recipients are special to our customers, they are special to us!! Now for the fun stuff…P-H-O-T-O-S!! Here are just a few of the ones we’ve been working on...

Guess What I’m Making…

PicMonkey for layout {free}, 10 cent prints from Walgreen’s, stick of glue from dollar store, super saver yarn {$4}, stickers from Target’s dollar spot, Kraft brown paper on hand, and words delivered to me through a song {Amen!} total under...

I Heart Gift Baskets

I L-O-V-E making Domesticated Dad gift baskets!! I made one that has a gift certificate for a family 3 {brown bag lunch delivery service}, winter spice coffee blend, 2 coffee mugs, a family recipe journal, a box of chocolate covered almonds, bag of cinnamon dusted...

Super Simple Citrus Sugar Scrub

I am on a body scrub making kick!! My latest love is a citrus sugar body scrub – super simple and smells delicious!!! What You’ll Need: Sugar Oil {your choice} 1/4 orange Zest of any citrus fruits you love Let’s Do This: In a mixing bowl, add in 2:1...