949-372-2135 inspirista@me.com

My husband and I always say we feel like Millana (aka LuLu) and Ewing (aka Little Man) have been in our lives forever. We can’t even remember a time without them, and are blessed to have them in our world. We have learned more from them over the past 4 years…they are the loves of my life!!

I feel like I blinked and Millana turned 4 and Ewing turned 2. Life is good – looking at the world through their eyes has been an incredible gift for both me and my husband. Every day is an adventure, even when we are just drawing shapes for hours on end!

I’ve learned that we are born in awe, constantly amazed at the world, inspired by nature, and fearless. It’s a beautiful way to live – imagine re-connecting with that part of yourself. I believe we are each born perfectly as we are, for a reason. Each of us has unique talents, gift, flaws; we must embrace them!

It’s funny, because my parents found a poem I wrote in 6th grade about fear (click here to see it). I am still writing about fear to this day! I re-connected on facebook with a friend from grammar school, and she said, “I’m not surprised you are a speaker- remember you did our 8th grade graduation speech?” Ha! I did, and I distinctly remember using this quote:

Make each dream a step, and build a stairway to the sky so that the stars you reach for never seem too high.

Alright, so it was a little corny, but it was 8th grade! And I’m still a fan of ‘Dreaming Big’. Who were YOU born to be? What have you been doing since you were a child?

Please share with me- I’d love to post your stories on my blog! Just send an email to jennifer@inspirista.net