949-372-2135 inspirista@me.com

When we feel we have no control, or we aren’t getting what we want out of life, it can bring us down. So, first things first, identify when and where you feel things aren’t working. The clearer we are, the easier it is to make a shift.

“Amazingly, when we give, we receive multi-fold. It is a complete circle. Reminds me of the ocean wave…you really can’t stop the tide.” ~ Edie Weinstein, Inspirista Community

And, when you think about it, we actually give of ourselves every minute. Every thought, every action, every thing we do is sending a signal, whether we realize it or not. And often the signal is echoed back to us.

Simple Shift: Give  and Mirror What You Want to Receive…

So, if you believe your spouse is not good at communicating, instead of “retreating” and matching his/her energy level, choose to be a better communicator yourself.  If you think a co-worker is nasty, don’t roll your eyes back, just be genuinely nice to him/her. If you want to have a body you love, love your body. If someone is frowning, give them a smile.

We tend to easily let others bring us down, and match their low level of energy. Instead, raise the bar high and let others get lifted by you!

 *Photo Props Go to Brandon Christopher Warren