949-372-2135 inspirista@me.com

Soar is one of my favorite words. Here’s my definition if it:

Soar – Like a bird flying. To Soar seems effortless, but really learning to fly is one of the most painful, strenuous things a living creature must endure. Soar is about taking inspired actions, putting “footsteps to your prayers”, and doing the work necessary to create your vision. Soar is also that beautiful feeling when you are in motion, living out your purpose, flowing through the course even when you are being challenged, tested, or re-routed.

Today I want you to “SOAR” by stretching yourself beyond your normal routine, and stepping outside of comfort and into the scary, thrilling space of the unknown!

There are lots of ways we can stretch ourselves, from simple to complex. So, if Einstein defines ‘insanity’ as “doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results”, checking your routine may be a good place to begin looking for ways to stretch yourself. Here are some ideas to get rolling (or stretching I should say!):

– If you always walk after dinner, try raising the bar by going a bit faster, jogging, or adding ankle/wrist weights. Push yourself a little harder to work your heart and strengthen your muscles (safely, of course). Or literally stretch yourself and take a yoga class!

– If you are constantly at odds with a loved one, and all you do is argue, try kindness by doing a simple, nice gesture for him or her “just because” without expectation of accolades or resolution.

– If you feel lonely or in isolation, try chatting up with a stranger, smiling at your neighbors, talking in the break room with a co-worker. Share something about yourself and connect with the world around you.

– If your stove has turned into an extra storage unit because you aren’t much of a cook, find your favorite recipe, dust off your pots and pans, and channel your inner Nigella Lawson or Julia Childs.

– If your same old same old routine is boring you, be bold and paint on red lips, pin curl your hair, and put on your favorite dress, have an impromptu date with a friends, spouse, or solo – try a new restaurant, boutique, or out of the way cafe.

– If you have something weighing on your mind you need to discuss with a boss or co-worker, but keep biting your tongue because you don’t want to have a sticky conversation, stretch yourself to speak your mind and allow your voice to be heard. Sometimes one uncomfortable conversation can lead to positive changes that make for a much more comfortable environment.

– If you’ve always wanted to try your hand at a hobby or sport, pick today to begin. Buy a paint set and canvas, release fear, and have at it. Grab a hot glue gun and create something. Play a round of basketball or game of bowling.

I think you get the drift. The most important thing about stretching yourself is to just do it. Register for that class, send out your resume, call an old friend, write an apology, give a stranger a flower, take a funny photo of yourself, whatever it is…remember stretch yourself to soar so you can be the woman you were born to be!

How will you stretch yourself today?