It’s time we ditch the “on” and “off” mentality of dieting. To be the best women we can be, we’ve got to live well, and feel good about ourselves from the inside-out…Here are 10 tips to keep in mind:
1. Water! Water! Water! Flush out the excess toxins and sugars by drinking tons of water. Add some lemon for an extra boost. And if you’re cold, heat up the water with lemon, you’ll definitely give your body a good cleanse.
2. Don’t wait to “START” until next Monday, next month, or even next year. Stop starting and just start living. Most people feel they’ve already broken their New Year’s resolutions, so just say “forget it!” When you switch your mentality and live a healthy, well life there is no starting or stopping. It’s all about choices.
3. Don’t wear clothes that grow with you. Being comfortable is important, but “growable” clothes often hide the feeling of fullness which can definitely lead to indigestion and feeling terrible later. You want to enjoy the meal before, during, and after. So, NO STRETCH PANTS!!!
4. Bake and wrap. Baking may be something you have to do for school functions, parties, or even just a family tradition. Make sure you know who you’re baking for, how much you need, and have enough wrapping materials to pack up what you make right away! So often we make more than enough and the leftovers become unnecessary, empty calories for the baker. If you bake just enough and wrap & seal it immediately you’ve entered a WORRY-FREE baking zone!!
5. Flip our focus. It’s easy to think about busyness, schedules, and stress!! Try instead to focus on the great stuff going on in our lives. You can even find a family in need. Make a meal, dessert, or gift basket for the family. There are many local organizations that are willing to help. And if you don’t have time to cook the meal, make a basket with all of the ingredients. This will help take the focus off the stress in your life and fill you with good spirit! Stress less and be healthier from the inside out.
6. Plate it right. It’s all in perception- when we use a large plate we tend to pile it on and eat much larger portions of everything. If there’s a smaller plate available, try using that instead. You’ll still get to enjoy the food, but no need to overindulge. Or, if there’s only one size plate, try this technique: first fill it with things you know are fuel for your body- fruit, veggies, salad. After you have some delicious healthy food as a base, you can then take samplings of everything else. Your plate will be piled, and you’ll have tasted everything you wanted to try. Don’t deprive yourself.
7. Move more. Malls and food stores are perfect places to get moving! When you’re shopping, don’t waste time and circle the lot in search of the closest spot! Park far from the door and walk. The walk in fresh air will get you pumped up and energized for the shopping! And no escalators- take the stairs whenever possible.
8. Buddy up. Find a friend or relative who also wants to be healthy. Having a support system to keep you positive, motivated, and focused always helps, especially this time of year.
9. No Food Police Here. Get rid of the “guilty” feelings with food! You shouldn’t beat yourself up over your food choices, there are so much worse things you could do. You can feel bad if you are robbing a bank, not eating a cookie. When you realize you made some unhealthy choices, just make healthier ones! It’s all about out relationship with food.
10. Plan, pack, and prepare. Don’t wait until you’re STARVING to eat when you’re out. Your starvation will take over and you won’t make the best choice. Pack little mini snacks that you can carry in your purse. Make sure you’re eating every couple of hours to keep your body fueled, metabolism happy, and tummy full…