949-372-2135 inspirista@me.com

Creating change is like rolling a snowball. At first, it’s not packing, the snow is a little soft, it’s taking a little time to get it rolling. But, if you stick with it, soon , WOW, watchout world! You are rolling a snowball bigger than you ever imagined.

If you’ve been racking your brain thinking about how to do something you want to do or how to make a change, just do one small thing that is in-line with your vision, and do it regularly. Soon the small thing inspires us to do a little more, and a little more.

Real change happens when the thing we want to change is practiced and made into habit. This is true with everything. Think about brushing your teeth- doing it once in awhile doesn’t work. You have to do it twice a day, everyday or else they decay. Think about relationships- you can’t go on one date a year and expect to have a meaningful relationship with someone, there needs to be a steady stream of communication-connection. Think about career, parenting, hobbies- all are most successful when the tasks to perform each are done regularly, consistently, and with passion.

What step will you take today to move yourself forward? Will you walk around your block one time? Will you write a letter to an old friend you have been thinking about? Will you read that book that’s collecting dust in the closet? Will you write your resume, enlist support, create a blog, submit an application?

Just do one thing and get that snowball rolling. I’m so excited just thinking about all the change that can happen with the first step…