949-372-2135 inspirista@me.com

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as who you become by achieving your goals. ~ Henry David Thoreau

Ever feel like you set a goal but then get stuck on HOW to make it happen? Or you begin working so hard like a bull that you begin ramming into stuff? Trust me, I get it!!

While moving our feet and taking action is imperative, I’ve learned there are techniques to goal setting and navigating that will help you flow through your goals rather than force them. And, when you discover your core anchors, the power of detaching from outcomes, and your personal, unique navigation system, you begin to naturally re-route when the winds change, and you release worry about getting lost…this is exactly why I developed my small group programs — to share what I’ve learned with YOU!! I’ve been teaching workshops for over a decade, and every time I teach, I learn even more!! I also love going through the process right along with everyone 😉

I began with another group last month, and I am so inspired by everyone who is participating – it is amazing to witness people transforming from the inside-out by harnessing their innate power to achieve goals and just be the magnificently made human beings they were born to be!!

So, since I have recorded the webinars, I think it would be super fun to share this program even more!! In the program, you can apply the information for ANY goal you may have, and you may even discover NEW goals in the process!! We will delve deep into self-discovery & education, offer lots of tips, share many techniques, and provide tools for you to reach your goals! In the program you will learn how to:

1. Re-Define Success (to begin with a clear understanding of what success means to you)
2. Shine a Light on the Best (to understand your personal best practices and mode of operation)
3. Utilize the Sunshine Method (to set goals that have truly personal, additional motivating factors that stir you soul)
4. Tap Into Your Personal Navigation System (to identify how you naturally achieve goals)
5. Go Over, Through, and Around (to unlock your inner guide to handle any obstacle, roadblock, detour, or challenge that comes your way)

Through personal assessment and inquiry, you will also discover how to:

1. Kickstart Your Confidence
2. Strengthen Your Faith
3. Enhance Your Vision
4. Create Core Connections
5. Share Your Gifts to Serve

You can join today to access the recorded program, which includes:

* (8) Weekly 60-minute Recorded Webinars
* (8) Weekly Resources and Materials Packet
* (8) Weeks of Online Support
* (1) 30-minute Online Live Chat Session

If we were to work together individually on this program for eight weeks, the investment would be $2400. For the live small group program, the cost is $240. BUT, in this recorded program, the investment is just $99!!

Register now to begin achieving your goals ~ http://www.jennifertumayoung.net/8-week-program-special-recordings-materials-live-chat/

Hope to “see” you there!!

Enjoy this beautiful day.


{or as my family calls me Jennie, or if you like to be formal Jennifer, I answer to just about anything…}