949-372-2135 inspirista@me.com


Balance is a word that elicits many feelings, as a matter of fact, as soon as I said the word yesterday at a party, the woman next to me just frowned.

“I need that,” she said glumly.

“You have it,” I responded strongly.

“No, I definitely do NOT have it,” she said to assure me I was mistaken. “But I need it.”

“You do have it, it’s within you. And it’s not something you need to attain or strive for, it is just a state of being.”

And then I went on to explain that, really, balance is bunk.

Yes, that’s right, balance, in the form of having all of our ducks neatly in a row, is bunk!! Defining our own meaning and method for balance is freeing! And then, her eyes lit up with possibility. A new hope emerged.

A dear friend of mine, Angela Jia Kim, just released her first episode of a docu-series about her life – it’s called Gorgeous Chaos (don’t you just love that?!). That’s what life is, beautiful and messy. And, when you can experience that sense of peace and purpose during the chaos, therein lies the magic.

But, it’s not really magic, it’s our essence. When my daughter and son were born, I was amazed at how in awe and peaceful they were – immediately after they had their first good cries welcoming life. God designed us to take it all in, and release it all to Him.

How do you define “balance”? How will you enjoy this beautiful day – chaos and all?

Beautiful Messy Photo Copyright Sheng Han