Monday morning – a time when people all around the world choose to begin again. A new day. A new week. And a Monday in January is a new day in a new week in a new year – ah yes, the feeling of renewal happens naturally when Monday rolls around…
But, renewal actually happens everyday – moment to moment, second to second in our lives. Everything from our cells to our skin to our thoughts is in a constant state of change. I once heard Marianne Williamson describe a “miracle” as a shift in thinking that causes a shift in our experiences.
Wow. Imagine, in any moment, on any given day of the week, a simple shift in thought could create a miracle in your life?
The actions we take are directly related to the thoughts we have. The thoughts we have can be rooted in truth or false truth. When our thoughts are rooted in truth, it opens us up for the miracle to occur.
So is the miracle simply thought or thought + action? This goes back to your truth. My truth is seek and we shall find – whatever we are seeking, we shall find it, when we seek with all of our hearts.
According to the dictionary, seek is an action word meaning “to try” or “endeavor”. I believe that when thoughts and actions are in alignment, that allows God the space to come do His work.
However, sometimes the actions are not what directly creates the miracle, if that were the case, where would God fit in? God does the behind the scenes work that we simply cannot explain.
Last night, I listened to Pastor Rick Warren discuss the correlation between thought and action on Oprah’s Lifeclass. This is something I’ve studied for over a decade, and have experienced (in both positive and no-so-positive ways) in my own life. When we witness both of these positive or not-so-positive effects, it can lead to incredible opportunities for growth, blessings, and lessons.
So, when you know you want something different in your life, why can it be so difficult sometimes to do something different in order to facilitate the change(s) you want?
I go into these things in my classes and in my book in more detail, but in short, I will describe the path to action like this –
Beliefs create thoughts. Sometimes we consciously choose beliefs, but many times limiting beliefs are created out of false truths dictated by experiences or external factors (including other people).
What is truth? If you are believing false truth, that creates a ripple effect in your life. A false truth is anything you do not declare as truth. The thing is, we can choose what is truth and what is false truth.
For me, I believe each of us is capable of more than we know because my truth is “With God, all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26). Anything that counters that statement is a false truth.
Step 1: Know your truth, and do not let false truths become your beliefs. False truths usually have no real ‘roots’, they have little to know substance, can often be fear-based, and they can even sometimes just be unintentional ignorant words from another human being that end up becoming your (false) truth. Root or anchor your truth in something deep.
What is your truth? What do you believe?
Thoughts create feelings. If we think something, that thought is often translated into a feeling. The feeling creates an energy or mood that takes over our entire presence. When we feel something, everyone around us knows it, and feels it, too.
Step 2: Know how you feel, and create a level of awareness around the gaps between how you want to feel versus how you actually feel. Do you like how you’re feeling? Is your spark for life fully lit? Do you feel positive about the possibilities or are you feeling stuck in status quo?
If we want to feel differently, we have to think and believe differently. See Step 1 and repeat until you feel like the magnificent person you were born to be
How do you feel?
Feelings create our words. So, we believe something to be truth, we think about it alot, it makes us feel a certain way, and all of the sudden, we are speaking that (sometimes false) truth to ourselves and to others. Words give our thoughts more power, which can be used to our benefit or to hold us back from our true potential.
Step 3: Speak words that support your truth. Are your words powerful, kind, loving, positive, a mirror of who you are at the core, reflecting what you want deep down on the inside OR are your words negative, weak, hurtful, solely a reflection of what “is” or what no longer serves you or the greater good?
What are your words saying?
Our words create our actions. Yes, when you believe it, think it, feel it, say it, you take action on it!! If you don’t like the actions you are taking, and know you want to take different actions, you have to fuel your beliefs with ‘heart fuel’ that lights you up, and fuel your thoughts with ‘mind fuel’ that renews you, that restores you, that lifts you up!!
Step 4: Take actions that align with the amazing person you are. If you know you want something, stand firm in your truth, feel incredible, speak greatness towards yourself and others, and take action that will support and strengthen your life mission.
Who were you born to be?
One Last Thing! I know this is written in “steps”, but it can also be seen as a “circle” – the awesome thing about our connectedness in humanity, is that sometimes, others can lift us up in our truth, even when we don’t fully believe it or feel it. But, by taking action that aligns with it, we can strengthen our own beliefs, and change our thoughts, feelings, words, actions…
Enjoy this beautiful {miraculous} day!