949-372-2135 inspirista@me.com

Writing is cathartic…reading is too. A lifelong journal-keeper, a seeker, a researcher, student of life, and total inspiration junkie, I have compiled the lessons I’ve learned into book form…so, whether you’re feeling stressed, lost, or simply not enough, I get it! I have struggled with these things myself, and have spent the better part of my life studying, researching, learning, and teaching effective ways to deal. My books provide tools for discovery and transformation, but remember, swinging the hammer is all YOU!! You got this 😉

The Big Pink Balance Book

BYLBTSThis book is a compilation of over 11 years of experience I have had working with thousands of people just like you, and a lifetime of dealing with my own challenges of self-worth, weight, stress, busyness, and finding balance!!  You will learn how to re-calibrate your food-life connection, kick that negative self-talk to the curb, and apply 14 techniques to redefine your own meaning and method for a life you love!!

In this book, I guide you through an intensive course in Y-O-U. This simple, yet soulful approach will assist you to strengthen your ‘anchors’ , tap into your internal wisdom, listen to your heart, and allow your values to be your compass.

{Feeling Blessed to Say This…} Upon its release, Balance Your Life, Balance the Scale was chosen as a top 10 must-read favorite pick by Barnes & Noble’s Health & Diet editor. It has received numerous rave reviews by readers and in publications such as Publisher’s Weekly, Identity Magazine, Page Daily and many more.

Learn more at http://thebalancebook.info

Choose one of these 3 offers to begin creating more balance in your life, from the inside-out!!

Hardcover Book, Balance Your Life, Balance the Scale {$24.95}
* Rekindle your true food-life connection
* Release the stuff that weighs you down
* Assess who you are and what you stand for
* Plug into life so you are joyful and connected

Book + 6 E-Workbooks {$49.95}
* Learn the 7-Point B.A.L.A.N.C.E Program
* Enhance Your Vision to Shift Your View of Everything
* Apply the Over-Through-Around Technique for Obstacles
* Identify Your Personal Navigation System

Book + 7 Webinars
* Set and Reach Goals by Removing the Frustration of “How?!”
* Redefine Success So It is Personal and Meaningful to Y-O-U
* Energize Yourself and Fuel Up on 3 Critical Fuel Sources
* Create More Time to Do the Things that Bring Real Joy

Balance Options

The Storybook {yes, it’s for grown-ups}


How many times have you had a dream, a thought, a vision, but you stopped yourself from ever pursuing it? Negative self-talk breeds fear, and fear is debilitating!

Little Miss Negative is an adult storybook – a simple, fun, yet powerful reminder of how to handle fear. This is a perfect gift for a friend who is contemplating taking a leap of faith, or a gift for yourself!!

Let this book be your daily reminder of how silly it is to actually “entertain” negativity!

Kick your fear to the curb, one story at a time!

Read a Sample and Purchase the Book HERE


The Next Book {It’s On It’s Way Into the World}

If We Only Knew: Slowing Down the Speed of Life with Thoughts on Stress, Chaos, Compassion, and the Mystery of Grace by Jennifer Tuma-Young
Book Cover If We Only Knew - MockUp