949-372-2135 inspirista@me.com

As you know, I’m a firm believer that we should all dream big – see my post about Expanding Your Vision! When our spirit dreams big, it becomes a ‘state of being’- something we are called to do.

Yes, there may be obstacles as purpose tests us and throws us curve balls, but it’s so strong and connected to the world outside of ourselves, we can’t help but go through life with grace and a knowing that everything happens for a reason.

And, even if we don’t quite know our purpose, when the spirit is ‘being’, we put passion into everything we do. By unleashing passion, our purpose unfolds naturally. To be in spirit (inspired), basically is to breathe life into everything and  look at the world through a passionate lens.

On the other side of the coin, there’s the ego-dream. The dream that says it’s all about practicality,or  image, or the material world, or we need more, more, more.

The ego-dream either fears moving forward or tells us the world is cut-throat, and we need to backstab to get to where “I-I-I” need to be.  The ego-dream is judgmental, looks at everyone as competition, and the ego must win. Yes, there are times that ego-dreamers “win big”, gain high status, work very hard and make a lot of money. Is that all there is???

Of course not- because the spirit inside of us wants us to be the person we were born to be,  and allows us to connect, love, experience, and flow through life. Abundance will come in many forms.

The beautiful thing about the spirit is that it is forgiving. Even if we’ve been driven by ego unknowingly, it accepts us as we are flaws and all; we are always welcome back in to spirit, just by being.

What are you born to do? What dreams do you have that are so deep that your ego may have been fearful to unleash? Maybe you don’t even quite know. It doesn’t matter, let yourself go, live with passion and spirit will emerge.