949-372-2135 inspirista@me.com

So I was really craving cabbage soup the other day. I was thinking of throwing together a cabbage ‘n apple soup, but I kept finding other things to do with my time while the head of cabbage sat staring at me every time I opened the fridge door.

I ran to the market, and to my happy surprise, when I returned home I found the cabbage all cooking together with some kale,carrots, ‘n celery in beautiful broth on my stove, with many thanks to the hubby!! Let me just tell you, it was D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!!!

The thing is, Michael is a chef, so he doesn’t use recipes. He just kind of creates yummy stuff. I asked him how he made such an awesome pot of goodness, and this is the best I could get out of him:

Throw all the veggies in a big pot with water, seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic, ‘n turmeric. Let it simmer and enjoy!! Amounts are all up to taste.

Let me tell you, it was crazy good!!